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A grande baguna espacial – The big space mess

A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess Free Download


A grande bagunça espacial – The big space mess – Hello everyone! Welcome to the craziest adventure of your lives! The fearless Waldisglédson will face creatures from space and…

Game Overview


Twitter: @ArraisRen Youtube: Facebook: At the opening screen, after setting the language, hold the space bar to see a flash. Then click NOVO JOGO (NEW GAME). All phases and all the characters are released! Hello everyone! Welcome to the craziest adventure of your lives! The Brain Monster from Space decided to become a big successful villain with intergalactic recognition to make his father – a famous monster – proud! For that, he took some gifts he got from his…


info Title: A grande bagunça espacial – The big space mess

developer Developer: RMAL

developer Publisher: SouKing

release date Release Date: 5 Apr, 2016

genre Genre: Action, Casual




release name Release Name: A grande baguna espacial The big space mess

cracked by Cracked by: P2P

size Release Size: 482 MB




System Requirement


  • OS: Windows 7 home 64bits or 32bits
  • Graphics: DX9 features (Shader Model 2.0); in general, any board manufactured from 2004 should work.
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: CPU: support for SSE2 instruction set.


  • Storage: 3 GB available space


A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess Torrent Download

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