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Congresswolf Free Download


Congresswolf – Is the next member of Congress a werewolf? Can you survive a lycanthrope’s bite? There’s no silver bullet for winning an election!

Game Overview


Is the next member of Congress a werewolf? Can you survive a lycanthrope’s bite? There’s no silver bullet for winning an election! Congresswolf is an interactive novel by Ellen Cooper, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based–140,000 words, without graphics or sound effects–and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. “Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.” — James Bovard When a werewolf murders your boss, you must step up to run a Congressional campaign all on your…


info Title: Congresswolf

developer Developer: Choice of Games

developer Publisher: Choice of Games

release date Release Date: 28 Oct, 2016

genre Genre: Adventure, RPG




release name Release Name: Congresswolf

cracked by Cracked by: P2P

size Release Size: 37.5 GB



Congresswolf- .Torrent


System Requirement


  • OS: Windows 7


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