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Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls-GOG

Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls Free Download


Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls – Amy Haven went missing 5 Years ago. On the anniversary of her disappearanceyou, the Police The Inspector who failed to find Amy, have returned to…

Game Overview


Amy Haven went missing 5 Years ago. On the anniversary of her disappearanceyou, the Police The Inspector who failed to find Amy, have returned to theTrain Station and Hotel at Dowerton for one last time. As you attempt tosolve the mystery of Amy’s disappearance you must face the horrors thatawait you. The old buildings have deteriorated since your firstinvestigation, so you must watch your step, and never turn your back on thedarkness….for something hides there; Something evil, unknowable andhungry. A Dark Fall horror adventure from the pen of Jonathan Boakes, author…


info Title: Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls

developer Developer: Darkling Room

developer Publisher: Iceberg Interactive

release date Release Date:

genre Genre: Adventure, Puzzle, Horror




release name Release Name: Dark Fall 3 Lost Souls-GOG

cracked by Cracked by: GOG

size Release Size: 1.11 GB





System Requirement


  • System: Windows XP \/ Vista \/ 7 \/ 8 \/ 10
  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV or equivalent AMD
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible 3D accelerated video card with 128 MB
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


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