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Screeps v0.4.0.4

Screeps Free Download


Screeps is an open source MMO RTS sandbox game for programming enthusiasts, wherein the core mechanic is programming your units AI. You control your colony by writing JavaScript…

Game Overview


Screeps is about scripting your creeps. It is an open source MMO RTS sandbox game for programming enthusiasts, wherein the core mechanic is programming your units AI. With all the attributes of a full-fledged strategy game, you control your colony by writing real JavaScript which operates 24/7 in the single persistent world filled by other players on par with you. Your colony can harvest resources, build units, conquer territory, trade with other colonies. As you conquer more territory, your influence in the game world grows, as well as your abilities to expand your…


info Title: Screeps

developer Developer: Screeps

developer Publisher: Screeps

release date Release Date: 16 Nov, 2016

genre Genre: Strategy, RTS, Open World, Building, Simulation, Management, Tower Defense




release name Release Name: Screeps

cracked by Cracked by: P2P

size Release Size: 103 MB





System Requirement


  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space


  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space


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