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Venom. Codename: Outbreak-GOG

Venom. Codename: Outbreak Free Download


Venom. Codename: Outbreak – Venom. Codename: Outbreak is a tactical 3D-shooter set in the near future. Your aim is to oppose an alien invasion on Earth and protect the human race…

Game Overview


Venom. Codename: Outbreak is a tactical 3D-shooter set in the near future. Your aim is to oppose an alien invasion on Earth and protect the human race from extermination while evil parasites continue turning people into mind-killing beasts. Together with a teammate, you play the role of an ex-Ukranian combat group member – and your primary goal is to progress through 14 action-packed single-player missions or play via multiplayer with your friends over a LAN connection. The game-play involved is very close to the actions portrayed by a real-life task force and you will…


info Title: Venom. Codename: Outbreak

developer Developer: GSC Game World

developer Publisher: GSC Game World

release date Release Date:

genre Genre: Shooter, Puzzle, Sci-fi




release name Release Name: Venom Codename Outbreak-GOG

cracked by Cracked by: GOG

size Release Size: 521 MB





System Requirement


  • System: Windows XP \/ Vista \/ 7 \/ 8
  • Processor: 1.8 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9
  • Storage: 2GB HDD

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